Part 34: The Farewells
Update 32 - The Farewells
MUSIC: Act 7
MUSIC: End of the World
Welcome to the end of the world... and act 7. Things are looking... really grim outside. The Dream King is the last Overseer left on Earth, since we were unable to stop Audrey from killing the King of Hearts. It is an absolute imperative that we get to the Dream King before Audrey does, and convince him to part with the last Earthsong piece... if he can even talk with us anymore.
As we walk, the ground makes this distorted jingle noise, similar to the Moonscape. Except it sounds like it's coming out of a broken speaker. It's a great effect to add to this absolutely gloomy atmosphere.
The stars from the Dream World are constantly falling and causing the ground to shake. I guess the Dream King was also thrust here from the spirit world's collapse. It seems the Dream world has managed to combine with the world here, and it would look great... were it not for that whole looming apocalypse.
Jeez. Where even are we? None of this looks familiar at all. Are we on the outskirts of Langtree?
...Oh no... We're IN Langtree... I hope Ruby got out ok. She may have been a bit bitter, but she didn't deserve her house to get destroyed... or worse.
MUSIC: This is Really It

Are you feeling better?

Good enough!

Is your grandma okay??

She's fine. I got to say my goodbyes to her. Figured I'd see you here. Just one more Overseer, right?

Right! It was so scary without you, Miriam! I met the Hero again... and I thought we would be friends, actually. But she didn't want that...

Yeah no crap!

But, she also told me some things... She's not evil, Miriam! She's just... misunderstood.

Coming from you... I think that means the same thing.
I don't even care about her!!! I came to see you. I'm sorry I left. I couldn't let you do this part on your own.

Awww! Miriam!!!

This isn't a joke. This is really it, Bard. We're gonna have to face the Dream King, and probably Miss Hero, too. If she kills him... it's all over. The world is actually gonna end, and everything we worked for, and all the places we've been, and all the people we know... they're gonna go away. Do you understand that?!

Yeah... I'm scared, Miriam. But we'll just have to do our best. I'm glad I'm doing it with you!




...Okay. Let's go.
Alright you heard her! Let's go! She definitely doesn't have anything to talk about, no character arcs to complete, or any wholesome goodness right here at the end! Let's just go on to Langtree...!

Do you remember this place? I picked you up on my broom, here... and flew you to Delphi.

Oh yeah! That's how our adventure started.

It feels like forever ago...

What was it like seeing Saphy again?

It was nice. I really missed her... Maybe it's stupid, but... I was so worried... she wasn't gonna be there. Everything's a mess in Delphi too. Monsters everywhere... and, you know, she's so old... When I saw her... it got... very emotional. I'm just not good at that stuff. Why am I even telling you this...

Don't be embarassed! I'm glad she was okay too!

I felt like such a failure, showing up back home like that. Without saving the world. But she didn't make me feel bad at all, she was just happy to see me. She's the best.


I still feel guilty for leaving you. Sorry...

It's okay, Miriam! You did what you had to!

Argh. I hate... how nice you are. You really shouldn't be, to me.

But you're my friend.

I'm not a good friend.

Sure you are!

No... I'm not. You climbed that mountain by yourself, and you had to deal with the Hero. I shouldn't have left you.

It really was okay!

I... didn't leave for good reasons.

You were hurt!

Sorta. It wasn't really
THAT bad. The truth is... I probably could have come with you, but I was scared.

I'm scared too, Miriam.

I don't mean like that. I mean... I am scared. About the world ending and stuff. But that wasn't why I was scared when I left.

Arrgh! I sound so pathetic... scared of everything... Why do I have to be like this?

What were you scared of?

I shouldn't have said anything... This is embarrassing. Nevermind.

...Wait, I really want to know! Why were you scared?
GAHhhhh!!! I don't know! I... I guess... It's... scary... being... close to someone.
Miriam stops talking after almost every sentence, and Bard is literally having to drag this out of her, and you bet I love every nanosecond of this.

That's why you were scared?

I knew you wouldn't understand.

But...! I want to.

I don't have a lot of friends, okay? I don't... talk to people... and I definitely don't... tell people things... about myself.
Aaarrrgh, I'm so bad at this...

You tell me things all the time!
That's what I'm saying!!! That's what's scary!
THIS... is scary! Sharing... feelings!

Are you scared now?
YES!!! That's what I don't get about you. You act like everything's no big deal, even when it is! I just admitted to you, that I basically ditched you... to go die alone in the mountains, or something, for
NO GOOD REASON! And you don't even care. I shouldn't have come back. I should have never shown my face again...
MIRIAM!!! You shouldn't feel that way!
I'm sorry... for pretending like it's no big deal. I know how scary it is... to share your feelings. To be honest, I'm not good at it either.

That's crap! All you do is share your feelings! You... sing!! At

I share good feelings! Because... it helps people. But...

I have bad feelings too, I just don't like to share those. Because... they're not important.
Huh??? You think my stupid feelings are "important???"

Yes! Everyone's important! And... I want to help them! I guess that's why I only share good things. Sharing bad things doesn't help.


It would help... me.
I'm now audibly "AWWWWWW"-ing as I write all of this. Someone please call for help, I'm going to die from this cuteness overload.

How do you think I feel, always complaining, always having problems... while you pretend you're... perfect! That's what's scary. It makes me feel worse about myself, like I'm crazy.

I'm sorry!!! You aren't crazy... I'm the crazy one.

No... you're not. You're just... weird.



You really aren't mad at me? For leaving?

No! I think you did your best. And that's ok!

Really? It doesn't hurt your feelings? At all?

I guess... it hurt my feelings. A little bit. But, more than that,

I'm really glad you came back! I missed you a lot, Miriam.

Yeah... I missed you too. More than I thought I would. I guess that's why, even though it was really scary... I felt like I had to come back. You're a really special person, Bard. I spent my whole life alone and sad. But you made me feel a little better. Just in time for the end of the world, I guess... but... I'm glad for it, anyway. I'm glad I had a friend like you before the end.

OK!!! I just had to say that. I'm done now. No more icky feely feelings. Back to cool Miriam now.


I like icky feely feelings Miriam! But... OK. Just so you know, I feel the same about you. Thanks for being my friend... Miriam.
So ends our goodbye to Miriam. The conversation was, like Miriam herself, awkward, wholesome, adorable, and a little real at times. And I'm definitely glad she's back for the end... no matter what happens.
Before we advance into the town, we need to go back a bit.
If you can recall from the very beginning of the way, this is behind Ruby's house and leads to the town graveyard. There's something hidden where we learned our first dance.
It's mask... who's here for one last chat, before the world ends.

Hey now, wanderer... I'm not surprised to see you here. We've been all over the world together now. It's been a huge adventure for me, I bet it has for you too. But someday the adventure's gotta end, doesn't it... everything's gotta end someday.
C'mon Mask... you can't say that. You've gotta believe that we'll make it through this... somehow...

I'm glad to share our connection, wanderer. We only crossed paths briefly, here and there... but I think it made a difference. It's amazing, isn't it? Even the tiny little things we do, they can send out ripples... that change all the people around us... and then all the people around them, and then the whole world. We just gotta make our ripples good, and the whole world would be a bit more good too.
It's easier said than done to be nothing but a force of good in the world... but Bard has kinda managed it, huh? It may not matter in like ten minutes, but it mattered when existence was still a thing.

When I left on my journey, I thought nothing really mattered. And then, I started to think, that maybe everything does. Now, I really can't decide which it is. But I know one of those is, and they're almost the same thing... But they're also really not at all.

I guess figuring that out... is really the biggest question there is.
Mask sends us off with another psuedo-philosophical question. Which may seem like I'm mocking the character or his writing, but I did genuinely enjoy Mask going from a comic relief character that showed up for gags to an insane thinker. He was pretty awesome! Let's go into the rest of the town and make sure he gets to stay awesome and not... dead.
Once inside Langtree, we can assess the damages... and it looks like Bronson's home is destroyed, but at least he and his family are fine.
...I...I'm scared... Why is everything breaking? Why is everything bad? Did I do something wrong? I wish we could fix it... Dad says it's gonna be okay... but... I don't believe it... I think the world really is ending... just like mom said, when she came back. It's sad...
It's alright Woody, we've still got a chance... however slim, of saving this world.

Bardling! You look ten times stronger than last I saw you! Not in your muscles... but... in your heart! I can see it. You must have had quite an adventure! My boy has grown strong, too! He's surely tougher than his old man!


It's been difficult... raising the boy with a ghost mother. I hope I did a good job. Even if... he never will grow up. For some reason, it still means so much, to raise someone. I can't thank you enough for bringing Mary back to us, bardling. It made this final time mean so much more. I would be lost without her... Well... I still feel lost all the time, but it's much better than being lost alone.
So long Bronson and Mary. Bronson was a really cool dude and a great dad with a fantastic beard.
Ruby's fine! She's hanging out with the Mayor it seems.
Peh! It's so dark out... and everyone is so dour! It's bad enough the world is ending, why does everyone have to be depressing on top of that?
She's uh... got a point. This has been a rather depressing affair for a game that started in this town, with being colorful and cheerful. How did we get here?
Foul creatures destroyed my house. Cretins... They had to move me to Bronson's house, and then it got so nasty out here... everyone wanted to stand outside and watch. I was perfectly fine inside, but they made me come out. Said we should be together for the end. I hate moving! Just let me die in peace...
Jeez Ruby! You were just complaining about how depressing everyone was, don't talk about dying right after that!
Everyone's so worked up about the end of times. All my friends are dead already. Who gives a hoot.
Goodbye Ruby you were... a bitter old lady to the end. But I enjoyed our time with you, nonetheless.

Kiddo! Ain't you a sight for sore eyes... Things sure went to heck out here. Maybe ya noticed. Did everything I could for my folks here... but there's only so much ya can do. Reckon this is the end of the world pa mentioned. Did ya come to watch, too?
Well, we came mostly to try and stop it, but it is quite pretty watching the stars crash around us.

Sure had a lotta time to think on it, and... I don't think I've got any regrets, kiddo. If this really is the end... I'm glad I got to be here for it with my folks. And my pa too. There's nothin' in this world I want more... and I already got it. That's really all there is to it. Langtree's my home through and through. I'm stayin' with it to the very end. I know you didn't grow up here or nothin', but I always knew Langtree was your home too. It's really something to see you back here now. You're part of our family, kiddo.
Aww, thanks Miss Mayor! Sure woulda made this game more awkward if you had gone ahead with that whole making Bard mayor idea. Hell, we don't even know your actual name!
Speaking of Miss Mayor... look who's here! The town doctor, Clyde.

Zounds!!! What a time to see you again! After you left...
everything spiraled out of control! Vicious monsters attacked our poor village... They tore up our trees and houses! Oh, it was even worse than the ghosts!!! Thank goodness miss mayor was here...
Well, it didn't take you long to bring up the Mayor, Clyde.

Our little Langtree has seen so much strife... Thank our lucky stars we're all still here! Even you! But, oh, jeepers... they say the world is ending now!!! Could it be true??? It's all too much... gadzooks, I... if it's really all ending, I... I never...
I never told miss mayor... how I really feel. I still don't know if I have the courage... how could she care about a little old thing like me? Maybe... maybe I will tell her...
Yeah! You do it Clyde! There's literally nothing to lose!


Oh, I can't do it...
Clyde, the world is literally going to poof out of existence soon. You can spend like 5 minutes locked in the very muscular arms of the mayor, it's ok.
We've just got these two ladies left, and we're done with Langtree. Francine first, and our great friend Marley will send us off.

Bardlet! Oh, goodness... I didn't think I'd ever see you again! Marley and I missed you so much. It's certainly been a time, here... It's as the spirits warned us, I suppose... I can't believe it's the end... It's been so hard for us, with all this... Especially Ruby... I was so worried for her... but the mayor told me not to worry, and to be with Marley instead... She's been tending to Ruby in my place. She's... so gracious, bardlet. The mayor, I mean. I admire her strength so much. She really cares about us. I wish... I could be a person like her. I wish I still had time to become that person.
Don't worry Francine, we'll try and fight for you to get that time. And that's super cool of the mayor! She really did care for this town, to the very end... literally.

All these people mean so much to me... Langtree really is a special place. You always belonged here with us, bardlet. I'm so glad... I got to see you again.
Farewell Francine! Hopefully, everything will be okay and we can see you again!

Little bird! Goodness... it's been some time. You must have had the most wonderful adventure! I want to hear all about it!

Oh... the end is coming soon, isn't it? I'm having the most dreadful thought... that there isn't even enough time... for you to tell me all your stories. I've missed talking with you, little bird. We used to talk forever and ever, didn't we? But there's no more forever left... I've had the most wonderful life... surrounded by lovely folks, like you... and Francine... and all of Langtree. I couldn't ask for more, and yet, I want to... I wish we all had more time, little bird. Thank you for your smiles, and your music... I love you, little bird.
We're gonna do our best Marley, more time for stories, and more time to enjoy with the village. That's everyone here, there's nothing more keeping us from heading on and trying to find the Dream King.
Not just to save Langtree, but to save the whole world, and everyone in it.